Revest This documentation covers Revest.sol core functionality.
Revest.sol is a stateless component that can be upgraded incrementally; if you have any exciting ideas for future functionality, be sure to share with the team!
Emitted each time Time Lock FNFT is minted via mintTimeLock .
Copy event TimeLockFNFTMinted(
address indexed asset,
address indexed from,
uint indexed fnftId,
uint endTime,
FNFTConfig fnftConfig
Emitted each time Value Lock FNFT is minted via mintValueLock .
Copy event ValueLockFNFTMinted(
address indexed primaryAsset,
address indexed from,
uint indexed fnftId,
address compareTo,
address oracleDispatch,
uint depositAmount,
uint[] quantities
Emitted each time Address Lock FNFT is minted via mintAddressLock .
Copy event AddressLockFNFTMinted(
address indexed asset,
address indexed from,
uint indexed fnftId,
address trigger,
FNFTConfig fnftConfig
Read-Only Functions
Copy function getAddressesProvider() external view returns (IAddressRegistry) {
return addressesProvider;
Returns the cached IAddressRegistry connected to this contract.
Copy function getFlatWeiFee() external view override returns (uint) {
return flatWeiFee;
Returns the value of the fees in Wei.
Copy function getERC20Fee() external view override returns (uint) {
return erc20Fee;
Returns the value of the fees in Wei.
State-Changing Functions
Copy function mintTimeLock(
uint endTime,
address[] memory recipients,
uint[] memory quantities,
IRevest.FNFTConfig memory fnftConfig
) external payable returns (uint);
Creates Time Lock FNFT.
Emits: TimeLockFNFTMinted, CreateFNFT
Copy function mintValueLock(
address primaryAsset,
address compareTo,
uint unlockValue,
bool unlockRisingEdge,
address oracleDispatch,
address[] memory recipients,
uint[] memory quantities,
IRevest.FNFTConfig memory fnftConfig
) external payable returns (uint);
Creates Value Lock FNFT.
Emits: ValueLockFNFTMinted, CreateFNFT
Copy function mintAddressLock(
address trigger,
bytes memory arguments,
address[] memory recipients,
uint[] memory quantities,
IRevest.FNFTConfig memory fnftConfig
) external payable returns (uint);
Creates Address Lock FNFT.
Emits AddressLockFNFTMinted, CreateFNFT
Copy function setFlatWeiFee(uint wethFee) external override onlyOwner {
flatWeiFee = wethFee;
Admin functionality to change the fees.
Copy function setERC20Fee(uint erc20) external override onlyOwner {
erc20Fee = erc20;
Admin functionality to change the fees.
IReves .sol
Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: GNU-GPL v3.0 or later
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
* @title Mintable interface for Revest FNFTs
* @dev ...
interface IRevest {
event TimeLockFNFTMinted(
address indexed asset,
address indexed from,
uint indexed fnftId,
uint depositAmount,
uint[] quantities,
uint endTime
event ValueLockFNFTMinted(
address indexed primaryAsset,
address indexed from,
uint indexed fnftId,
address compareTo,
address oracleDispatch,
uint depositAmount,
uint[] quantities
event AddressLockFNFTMinted(
address indexed asset,
address indexed from,
uint indexed fnftId,
address trigger,
uint depositAmount,
uint[] quantities
struct FNFTConfig {
address asset; // The token being stored 0
address pipeToContract; // Indicates if FNFT will pipe to another contract 1
uint depositAmount; // How many tokens 2
uint depositMul; // Deposit multiplier 3
uint split; // Number of splits remaining 4
uint depositStopTime; // 5
bool maturityExtension; // Maturity extensions remaining 6
bool isMulti; // 7
bool nontransferrable; // False by default (transferrable) // 8
// Refers to the global balance for an ERC20, encompassing possibly many FNFTs
struct TokenTracker {
uint lastBalance;
uint lastMul;
// Corresponds to uints 0,1,2,3
enum LockType {
struct LockParam {
address addressLock;
uint timeLockExpiry;
LockType lockType;
ValueLock valueLock;
struct Lock {
address addressLock;
LockType lockType;
ValueLock valueLock;
uint timeLockExpiry;
uint creationTime;
bool unlocked;
struct ValueLock {
address asset;
address compareTo;
address oracle;
uint unlockValue;
bool unlockRisingEdge; // if false, then unlockFallingEdge
function mintTimeLock(
uint endTime,
address[] memory recipients,
uint[] memory quantities,
IRevest.FNFTConfig memory fnftConfig
) external payable returns (uint);
function mintValueLock(
address primaryAsset,
address compareTo,
uint unlockValue,
bool unlockRisingEdge,
address oracleDispatch,
address[] memory recipients,
uint[] memory quantities,
IRevest.FNFTConfig memory fnftConfig
) external payable returns (uint);
function mintAddressLock(
address trigger,
bytes memory arguments,
address[] memory recipients,
uint[] memory quantities,
IRevest.FNFTConfig memory fnftConfig
) external payable returns (uint);
function withdrawFNFT(uint tokenUID, uint quantity) external;
function unlockFNFT(uint tokenUID) external;
function splitFNFT(
uint fnftId,
uint[] memory proportions,
uint quantity
) external returns (uint[] memory newFNFTIds);
function depositAdditionalToFNFT(
uint fnftId,
uint amount,
uint quantity
) external returns (uint);
function setFlatWeiFee(uint wethFee) external;
function setERC20Fee(uint erc20) external;
function getFlatWeiFee() external returns (uint);
function getERC20Fee() external returns (uint);